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The nominating committee

The nominating committee

Espen Bjørshol



1997 – 2002 Master of Science Mechanical Engineering NTNU


Position in Multiconsult

Director Management and Governance.

Summary of the career

Espen Bjørshol has worked at Multiconsult for 20 years in management and control of large project assignments, and more than 10 years as a line manager. He has experience with assignments within most of the company's business areas. As a line manager, he has helped establish the Group Assignments unit, the forerunner of today's Store Assignments unit, where he sits on the management team with overall responsibility for the employees in the unit. Espen is also in the business area management of Bygg og Eiendom. He has also been involved in developing the company's project manager development programme and contributes as a lecturer and examiner. Espen has himself completed the top management program Expand Your Leadership.

He has good insight into the company's business model and strategy, and has a broad network within the company, both in operating and staff units, and with sister company Link Arkitektur. Espen has extensive experience in recruitment and employment.

Overall, Espen has a good insight into central parts of the company's all-round operations, which gives him a foundation for seeing the company from the foundation's ownership perspective.

Espen has been a member of the foundation's election committee since 2022.

Espen Bjørshol

Armand Åsheim



1990- 1992 BI Business School, Business economist (part-time)

1983- 1985 Norwegian Technical University (NTH), Master of Science construction technology

1980- 1982 Østfold College of Engineering (ØIH), Master of Science


Position in Multiconsult

Director Østfold and head of the Building & Property business area.

Summary of the career

In addition to the line manager positions mentioned above, Armand has worked actively in the business areas that cut across the units in the company. Both within the Industry area, and now as head of the Building & Property Business Area. He has experience from strategy work at various levels. Armand has worked with offers and assignments in most business areas and knows various customers well.

With his background in the industry and long experience from various positions in Multiconsult, Armand has built up a good understanding of Multiconsult's overall operations and knows the values across the company well. He understands the importance of the balance between good day-to-day operations and long-term strategic development and sees how important it is to maintain good value creation and development over time.

Overall, this provides a good background for seeing the company from the foundation's ownership perspective.

Armand has been a member of the selection committee in the foundation from 2019.

Armand Åsheim

Aina Sunde Dahl




Position in Multiconsult

Summary of the career

Aina Sunde Dahl