Member of the board of representatives since 2017.
Torill has held management positions in Multiconsult for the past 12 years. Including responsibility for personnel, responsibility for results, offers and market, as well as follow-up of strategy and actionplans. She has also worked in assignments within building management and as assignment manager for larger assignments in the unit.
Leader LINK Arkitektur Oslo, LINK arkitektur AS
Member of the board of representatives since 2021.
Kjetil is the manager of LINK Arkitektur Oslo, the largest team in LINK arkitektur AS with almost 70 employees, so he works primarily with management. The role also involves participation in sales and follow-up of the project portfolio as well as a position as project owner (assignment manager) in a particularly large project. Kjetil has good experience with board work, both from his role as general manager of DBC AS, but also from other board positions.
Senior Engineering Manager, Multiconsult Norge AS
Member of the board of representatives since 2017, as well as member of the foundation's board from 2011-2016.
Erik is one of our most experienced employees with broad experience from planning, construction, project management and administration of interdisciplinary industrial projects. His experience also includes participation in the customer's organization for project implementation.
1999 - 2005 Chalmers university of technology, MSc, Civil engineer
2002 Gothenburg school of economics,Business economics
1998 - 1999 Örebro University, Studies of mathematics
2017 - d.d. Iterio – Group leader, geotechnicalengineer Stockholm
2006 - 2017 WSP – Geotechnical engineerGothenburg, Stockholm
2005 - 2006 Skanska – Supervisor buildning andconstrucion Gothenburg
Groupleader, Geotechnics Iterio Stockholm
Section leader Nybygg Ryen, construction department, Bygg & Eiendom Oslo, Multiconsult Norge AS.
Member of the board of representatives since 2021.
Through her various roles over 8 years at Multiconsult, Ingeborg has gained a very good insight into the company's operations and organizational structure. Among other things through the role of leader and deputy leader of Must (Multiconsult for students). From 2017-2019, Ingeborg was head of the board of Ung in RIF Oslo and Akershus.
Deputy head, LINK Arkitektur, team Bergen
Member of the board of representatives since 2021.
Elin is deputy manager at the office in Bergen and has over 20 years' experience from the construction industry, including particularly from early phase/regulation and project management/project management of larger projects. She has varied experience from various board positions as owner, but also as an organizational member in the election committee of the Bergen Architects' Association.
Section leader Roads, land and landscape, Østfold, Multiconsult Norge AS.
Member of the board of representatives since 2022.
Trine has 29 years of experience in the industry, and has worked with long-term plans at both national, county and municipal level. In Multiconsult, she has led the build-up and development of the Roads, area and landscape section. Through her work as section leader for three different subject areas, Trine has gained a large network of contacts in Multiconsult and LINK.
Consultant engineer, road planning
Member of the board of representatives since 2019.
Jan is the key person in the collaboration between DC in Poland and Multiconsult in Norway, and knows both organizations well. He is a member of the R&D department where he discusses and prepares strategic goals. As a road planner, he has mainly worked on larger interdisciplinary projects in Poland and Norway.
Master of Science geotechnics, Tromsø, Multiconsult Norge AS
Member of the board of representatives since 2020.
Tone has versatile experience as a geotechnical consultant for both private and public developers, with both large and small projects. Most assignments are in northern Norway and Svalbard, but also some large foreign projects. Tone has previously held board positions in Tekna's corporate group in Multiconsult.
2011 - 2013 Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Nature resource management (Master’s degree)
2011 University of Minnesota, USA Utveksling, biologi
2008 - 2011 Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås Biology (Bachelor’s degree)
2022- d.d. Multiconsult Norge AS; Head of department
2022-d.d. Multiconsult Norge AS, Head of Section
2016-2022 Multiconsult Norge AS, Head of Section
2013-2016 Multiconsult ASA, Nature resource manager
Vice President Land use Planning, Urban and Rural Planning, Multiconsult Oslo
2021 VDC-certified, NTNU og Stanford
2006 - 2011 Civil engineer construction, NTNU
2000 - 2004 Electrician
2019 - Multiconsult Norge AS; Section manager construction
2015 - 2019 Norconsult AS, Civil engineer construction
2011 - 2015 Sivilingeniørene Harboe og Leganger, Civil engineer construction
2005 - 2010 Berg Karosserifabrikk. Parttime workshop
2002 - 2005 PK-service, electrician
Section leader construction, region Midt
1988 - 1992 Ph.d, HVAC Inst NTNU
1977 - 1981 HVAC Inst NTNU
2022 -> Multiconsult AS.
2008 - 2021 Oslo Met. Professor II
1995 - 2022 Erichsen&Horgen AS. Consultant, Partner fra 2000, Department leader from 2011, Leads competence and development from 2016
1988 - 1995 Sintef Heating technology. Researcher, Senior researcher last 2 years.
1986 - 1988 Sintef Architecture and building technology. Researcher.
1982 - 1986 Kr Gjettum A/S. Consultant.
Technical Director of HVAC, Energy and Environment, Norway
2021 Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Individual subjects programming and data processing. IT6206 - Basic programming with Python. IT6208 - Introduction to big data
2013 Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Dam safety II
2006 - 2011 University of Environmental and Biosciences (now NMBU). Master in Technology (M.Sc), Master of Science and Architecture
2005 - 2006 Lillehammer University College. Annual study in Psychology
Master of Science, Multiconsult Norge AS
Deputy member of the board of representatives since 2022.
After 10 years in Multiconsult, Vegard has had various roles in everything from small assignments to large and complex assignments, across sections and regions. He has also worked on assignments in Africa. Vegard has long and good experience with board work from the housing association.
Section leader for HSE and risk management in Oslo, Multiconsult Norge AS
Deputy member of the board of representatives since 2020.
Gjermund has more than 25 years' work experience as a researcher, technical advisor, service director, Key Account Manager and line manager. He has worked in the construction, transport, energy, process and maritime industries, and has international work experience.
Gjermund has board experience as a company representative in major R&D initiatives.
2009 – 2014 Master of Science (MSc.), Civil and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
2008 – 2009 1-year Business and administration, Handelshøyskolen BI.
2014 – d.d. Multiconsult Norge AS, Vice president, Project Control, Store oppdrag (2020-2023)
Projectmanager at Store Oppdrag, Oslo
2007 - 2011 Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), PhD in ArcticMarine Technology
2005 The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Arctic Technology courses
2004 - 2006 University of Technology of Belfort Montbeliard, France, MSc. inMechanical Engineering
2012 – d.d. Multiconsult
2007 – 2010 NTNU, PhD student
2006 – 2012 Barlindhaug Consult
Discipline leader Arctic Marine Technology, Geo & Marine, Multiconsult Region North
1996 - 2000 MSc Business Administration and Economics, minor mathematics fra Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
1994 - 1996 Junior Officers School, Army’s Signal Corps, Lillehammer/Indre Troms
2021 - Multiconsult Mobility & Society, Senior adviser
2018 - 2021 Multiconsult Mobility & Society, Head of department/section
2012 - 2018 Multiconsult Analysis & Strategy AS, Senior adviser/Head of Section/ Chief Analyst
2006 - 2012 Norges Bank, Monetary policy, Adviser macro modelling and Regional network
2001 - 2006 FLO/IKT. Chief engineer/CFO, Controlling, finance and accounting
2000 - 2001 KPMG Consulting, Consultant Business modelling
Senior adviser, Mobility & Society, Oslo.
1993 - 1998 Master of Science in Business Administration from University of Karlstad, Swede
2020 - Multiconsult Norge AS, Finance Partner for Region Norge
2019 Multiconsult Norge AS, Contract role as Controller for Region Norge
2015 - 2019 Interim CFO/Business Partner for various mid-size companies
2011 - 2014 Rolls-Royce Marine AS, Finance Controller
2003 - 2011 Tieto Norway AS, Finance Manager
2001 - 2003 TietoEnator AS, Controller
Finance Partner for Region Norge at Multiconsult AS